Arithmetic Operators: (+, -, * , /, %, **)
Addition (+)
Subtraction (-)
Multiplication (*)
Division (/)
Modulo (%) (remainder)
Exponential (**)
Comparison Operators: (<, >, <=, >=, ==,===, !=, !==)
In Comparison operators, the output should be 'True' or 'False'.
Less than (<)
Greater Than (>)
Less than equals to(<=)
Greater than equals to (>=)
Double equals (==)
Triple equals (===)
Not equal (!=)
Not equals to equals to (!==)
Example of less than (<) and greater than (>):
Example of less than equals to (<=) and greater than equals to (>=):
In Double equals (==) operators check only value but in Triple equals (===) operators check value and data types.
Examples of Not equal (!=) operator and Not equals to equals to (!==) operator.
Assignment Operators: (=, +=, -= , \=, /=, %=, \*=)
\= (a=b)
+= (a=a+b)
-= (a=a-b)
\= (a=a\b)
/= (a=a/b)
%= (a=a%b)
**= (a=a**b)
Logical Operators: (&&, ||, !)
And operator (&&)
Or operator (||)
Not operator (!)
X && Y -> if both arguments are true then only the result will be true. if one argument is false then the result will be false.
X || Y -> if at least one argument is true then only the result will be true. if both arguments are false then the result will be false.
Upcoming Chapter ->Conditional Statements